Wellness Awaits

Return Policy


With the purchase of our products, you acknowledge that CBD has not been approved by the FDA for the purposes of diagnosing, treating or curing any disease. To determine whether or not our products are appropriate for you, you should check with your physician in advance of any CBD use. You also acknowlege that these products contain CBD, derived from hemp. 

Please email info@Herbonology.com or call us at 201-870-1276 if there are any issues with the product(s) you received.  

**Returns remain subject to our discretion**



Returns Process:

  • Email us at info@Herbobology.com within 2 weeks of purchase to alert us that you will be returning your product.
    •  Products must be unopened and heat seal intact
  • Returned products must be sent back in their original unopened packaging.
    • Original shipping fees are non-refundable
  • Email tracking number to info@Herbonology.com 
  • Once we receive your package back at our facility and can confirm its condition, we will then issue a refund for the unopened product and email you a confirmation. Please allow 7-10 days for the refund to post to your statement.


* Your order of our products acknowledges acceptance of this refund policy. Herbonology will only accept returns from purchases made on Herbonology.com.**
**Returns remain subject to our discretion**

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

Shipping Address

Shipping Methods