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Philadelphia Eagles - Donovan McNabb

We had the great honor of partnering with Donovan McNabb, who uses Herbonology CBD products to soothe the aches and pains from 13 seasons as an NFL Quarterback!

Herbonology is proud to partner with Donovan McNabb, a respected former NFL quarterback and advocate for health and wellness. Through this collaboration, we aim to bring premium CBD products to athletes and wellness enthusiasts alike.  Herbonology is committed to providing pure, potent, and lab-tested CBD for pain relief, recovery, and overall wellness. Experience the difference with Herbonology’s trusted, high-quality CBD products – now endorsed by Donovan McNabb.

25% OFF with Code McNabb25

As part of our mission to promote natural wellness solutions, our collaboration highlights the effectiveness of organic wellness products in enhancing performance and recovery. With our specially formulated CBD, you can achieve optimal topical pain relief and support a balanced lifestyle, just like Donovan. Don’t miss out on this opportunity — explore our products to fuel your game with Herbonology!

Fuel Your Game with Herbonology & Donovan McNabb – Where Wellness Meets Performance.


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