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One of the most common reasons we hear from people as to why they are unwilling to try CBD is, "There isn't any research about it!"


Well, that's not true! 


The world's largest biomedical library, the U.S. National Library of Medicine, currently has about 37,000 scientific articles posted about the use of cannabis/cannabinoids in healthcare.  All of those articles can be found at PubMed.gov, where you can search for research in specific areas.


MedLeafRX and ProjectCBD are two additional sources of information!  Each website contain hundreds of scientific research articles pertaining to CBD and cannabis in general, covering everything from Alzheimer's, to cancers, to opioid addiction, and so many more.  MedLeafRX is a database of research compiled by Dr. Junella Chin, a New York DO who has spent years advocating for the use of medical cannabis. You can read more about her work here.  ProjectCBD is another phenomenal, user-friendly database, that also includes Cannabis news, forums, surveys, and so much more. 


ECHO Connection  is a non-profit organization that provides information and support to those wishing to learn about and utilize cannabinoid-rich products. Like the previous two sources, they have a constantly evolving, comprehensive collection of resources on cannabinoid education.


Have a question about more specific and focus areas of research?  Reach out to us at info@herbonology.com or (201) 870-1276, and we would be more than happy to help!

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